Tag Archive | motivation

Feel the burn….

In the spirit of my previous post “getting my sexy back” I have a couple questions for all you awesome bloggers out there.

1. How do you make time to work out?

2. Were would you rather work out? Gym? Outside? Or the comfort of your home?

3. Do you have a certain exercise that works best for you?

4. What is your motivation to get up and move?

I have decided I will post weekly questions about fitness and look forever to hearing from everyone 🙂

But in the mean time here are my answers.

1. I try to exercise every morning , before my kids up and my crazy day begins.

2. I personally much rather work -out outside. It feels much less like exercising  when you are out enjoying the fresh air and sunshine.

3. I personally love pilates. But  also a couple others I not so much love but defiantly work and you can feel the burn would be burpees and squats……can you say ouch!

4. Motivation I would have to say would be to stay healthy and fit. Motivation is hard to find for me some days would love to hear some awesome tips to get me moving.